Styling Loud Pink Pants

I'M WEARING>> Top: H&M// Culottes: Bershka// Boots: River Island// Bag and earrings: Stradivarius// Sunnies: 100 Hail Marys// Lippie: Anastacia Beverly Hills (Sugar Plum)

Hi my lovelies! Nope I'm not going to apologize for my lack of updates anymore. Instead, tada! New post! Pink has always been one of my go-to bright shades on this blog, for obvious reasons. As I have said many, many times, I am Elle Woods level of girliness at heart, and I do love myself amazing pink pieces. 

Anyway, here are some of the pieces I found myself getting lately - a loud pair of culottes from the bargain area of Bershka the last time I was there, I literally got them last minute, the color catching my eye from the counter where I was waiting in line to pay for my other packages, pink earrings that came as a set with the colorful hoops I've been wearing lately, and this lippie, a gift from Miss Carla Violet, because damn that girl just knows what I'd like. Put them all together and what do you get? A pink-splosion of an outfit that I tampered down with a lot of black, and my ever-lovely white boots.

These photos were taken somewhere in Coloane Village - my favorite place in Macau - against a wall mural I've always wanted to take pictures at but couldn't because it was usually crowded. So cute, eh? The coffee shop was closed so I was able to this time. We ended the short day out and about with bread and juices at Lord Stow's - Leon and my go-to place for bakes at this point. Anyways, that's it for now. This July will see me once again in Manila for another short romp. Let the wedding planning commence once again! See you soon, loves! And what do you think of this outfit? Let me know in the comments below. - Che



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