Fukuoka | Wisteria

I'M WEARING>> Jumpsuit: Outlet J// Top: Kleeaisons// Shoes: Adidas// Hat: H&M// Sunnies: Ray-ban

So, we missed Sakura season by two weeks. Two freakin' weeks! But, a little light at the end of the horizon was the trellis with lovely flowers just across Fukuoka Castle.

Okay so I actually have one more post after this, tee hee. Yep, just dragging along. I haven't been in a sharing mood lately. Call it my 'anti-social tendencies', which I usually tamp down to be human, tee hee. But, I'm back with a new post nevertheless, and with summer along the way, I'm feeling somehow inspired for some summer 'fits.

Anyways, our last day in Fukuoka was a quick one. We had a flight to catch at 6PM Japan time. So, we headed out early and walked. Then we reached Daimyo, a Harajuku-esque collection of streetwear down a sleepy road. I bought shoes...hahahaha...what else is new?

Then we headed to Fukuoka Castle - or to be honest - Fukuoka Ground. Because...there was no actual castle hahaha. Quite funny, but great view nonetheless. After that we stumbled on this gem. So pretty! Everyone was just chilling around, having picnics and stuff. You don't see much of this kind of natural charm in Macau. Which is why it was so thrilling - and pretty! Like, so pretty.

Outfit-wise, I was tired and lazy at this point, so just a newly-bought jumpsuit, and some pretty sleeves. Simple. Cute. Done!

Hahaha. Anyways, stay tuned for more pictures of the picturesque Fukuoka next, and then we have had officially closed another travel chapter. As always, I look forward to the next. - Che



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