
Sweater: Me & George vintage// Skirt: Topshop// Shoes and bag: Forever 21// Sunnies: c/o H&M

Here's another simple, breezy look for you gals. Now that it's back to hot, hot, hot days in Macau, I've had a little trouble choosing outfits, since I would probably melt outside the office, and then freeze inside the office. So gratefully, I do have some transition in-between pieces, like this short sweater, in my closet. Short and thin enough for brunch before work, and warm enough for work,

I've started to notice that I'm not into those crazy, zany looks of yesteryear anymore. I would still wear anything and everything under the sun that I find a shine to, but now looking streamlined is a factor. Half my closet has now become hand-me-downs to my sisters, and all I've left behind are either black, white, or the print matches the rest of my closet. Shopping nowadays is more about the quality of the material, wearability and staying factor, not how bright or eye-catching, or blogger-y it is. I've also become more confident posting simple outfits like this on my blog. Which, believe me, was not always the case.

So, what do you think? How would you dress for summer in the office?

I'll see you soon dear, my mind is toast right now. - Che



  1. I think you look amazing in this outfit, the skirt is so beautiful! Same here, there are so many clothes which are from last year but which I wouldn't wear anymore - crazy how fast style changes!

  2. You look chic there:) I must say that tiny white bag is so lovely, nice choice!
    These photos are so captivating, well done!

  3. LOVE this outfit! Your skirt is so cute :)
    I totally agree with you on posting more simple outfits haha

    xx Shirley

  4. Cool outfit dear! :) I think is a good choice for the office, I usually take a jacket because I have the same problem as you! :)
    Have a nice week!

    Lucia Gallego Blog
    Lucia Gallego Blog Facebook

  5. The sweater looks great! And those shorts too! You look fab!

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  6. Loving the mix of white and camel tones! I'm a huge fan of neutrals, so I adore this look :)

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    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  7. Cute,cute,cute outfit.Lovely sweater and I love your bag even more


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